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Stark Reminders


"The defendants (Phaneesh Murthy and Infosys) caused the plaintiff (Reka Maximovitch) to be subjected to verbal sexual harassment, to unwanted sexual advances, and to visual sexual harassment. Said sexual harassment and sexual advances were unwelcome. The defendants failed to take reasonable steps to keep harassment from occurring and recurring."

- Excerpt from a complaint filed by former Infosys employee Reka Maximovitch in the Alameda Superior County Court, Oakland, US, in December 2001


A trial court in Goa framed charges of rape against ex-Tehelka magazine editor Tarun Tejpal on Thursday in connection with an alleged rape case filed against him in 2013. Tejpal is accused of sexually assaulting a female colleague inside a lift at Hotel Grand Hyatt on the night of November 7, 2013

What is PoSH law?

What constitutes Sexual Harassment?

What is your ideal IC team?

A law to prevent and to provide protection against, Sexual Harassment of women at the workplace as well as redressal of complaints of Sexual Harassment.

  • Physical contact and advances

  • Demand/request for sexual favours

  • Making sexually coloured remarks

  • Showing pornography

  • Unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of a sexual nature

  • Presiding officer appointed from senior management (must be a woman)

  • One external member -could be a non-governmental organizations or a lawyer

  • At least two members representing the employees of the organisation

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