I was reading an HBR article the other day “Women Are Rated Better than Men on Key Leadership skills” (dated JUNE 25, 2019) They had posted an interesting research, it pointed to the fact that women outscored men on 17 of the 19 capabilities, that differentiate excellent leaders from average or poor ones. SEVENTEEN!!!
Now, what do you say to that?
Yet, when it comes to displaying ‘confidence’ we women are not too generous with our ratings. Have you ever stopped yourself from applying for a job because you thought you are not yet ready or you lack all the qualifications they are asking for? Perhaps this research could help us make that shift in our minds.
For some light-hearted conversation: Let’s see if you can hazard a guess. I’ve picked 5 random capabilities from that list. I have included the two where it says men were better than women. Any guesses to which were the two?
1. Champions Change
2. Drives Results
3. Technical and Professional Expertise
4. Develops Strategic Perspective
5. Takes Initiative
Go on , leave your response in the comments below and your email ID if you want to know the response to this fun quiz…