We enable organization in creating a workplace culture of respect and safety that is in consonance with the Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
2Hrs | 4Hrs | 8Hrs | 16Hrs
Using Regional Languages – SH Awareness training is provided in english but if needed in regional language too where required
Theater based role-plays – Scripted role-plays are enacted for the employees by the employees to identify the do’s and don’ts of SH.
Roadshows – Roadshows around PoSH They include games, plays, quizzes and panel discussions by subject matter experts.
Competitions – Company-wide competitions which can include videos quiz competition, poster making competitions for the best video entry themed around PoSH.
Sharing lessons learned – Employees and leader share gist of lessons learned from the SH incidents.
Unconscious Bias – Workshop on unconscious bias are conducted to spread the word.